Saturday, December 26, 2009

I Don't Know aNyThing, HoW CaN I STarT EarninG: Part I

Some Common Question about Internet, Im writing as follow;

1-Im an ordinary user of internet, Just know about Internet browsing and Chatting, can I earn through Internet.

2-I don't know, how can a web site create, still i have experience of internet browsing, can I earn money from home.

3-Is internet earning is as simple as i sale a product.

4-Internet earning is a real technical work or any ordinary user can earn through Internet.

So Let us start with First Question: (Answers)

In All question there is no hard and fast rule to answer yes or no, because it will depend. Because internet earning is not a deal like to take a cup of tea. It really required a step by step procedure, and you will have to learn it first then you can earn handsome money. This site will educate you if you are a hard worker, and we will provide you ideas, because we are not taking any charges for our guideline. Just follow the step by step instruction. (You can see our old links, available on our site), than you can learn how a person can start from scratch. But I want to tell you all that internet earning and internet labour work earning are not same. Some people can utilize your time and they will pay you immediately, when you complete your work, like they will give you task to fill the forms and they will give you 10 to 20 cents for each form, depending upon no. of fields, but my sincere advice is that don't go with them, because when you take money, you`never learn anything, and you only get the reward of your doing work, and they must get same benifit as you take or something more than you, so why not start your own work. Try to commit yourself with yourself, no need to go with me. Just believe on yourself and start working in your additional time and just do your regular job for earning, because you cannot bear your internet usage expenses if you don't have any job, so just try to work anywhere else and did your internet earning in your extra time, after that put your full efforts, now in Pakistan the payment system is very simple, you can get your money from National Bank of Pakistan's any branch and Bank of Punjab's any Branch through western union and if you earn 100 dollar than there is no deduction. You get the equivalent money in Pakistani Currency. So don't worry google is not a fraud and cheater, you can see many famous sites with google ads, so ready for start and start your work at home today, with creating a simple blog. Wish you best of luck.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Difference B/W Internet Earning and Other Personal Business

Today we will analyze that what business is more convenient "Internet Earning" or any other local business.

Local Business (Requirements):

High Investment(Capital).
Place of business(Office)
Labour and Required Skill
Market Knowledge.
High Risk.
Working Hours

Internet Earning:

No Capital Required:
No Place required(in initial stage)
Labours(not required in initial stage)
You can choose it in your extra time.
Skills can get from internet by spending time.
No risk involve.
Passive Income.(Even you are not working, your earning can be lower, but cannot stop bcoz even you may busy in attending marriage of your relative, but your site's visitors don;t know that you are not available for site updation, they will keep visiting and you will get benifit of their visit.

This report will help you to start your work easily, we never encourage you to go for internet earning lonely. You can do this work in your additional time to encash your efforts from home. We are always welcome to our Pakistani Brothers and sisters to contact us.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Blogger vs Wordpress

Most of our members ask the question that which service is best for us,blogspot or wordpress.
The answer is very simple. Both services have good and bad features,so it will depend upon your choice, like if you just want to create a very simple blog,and you are new on internet,than i suggest that blogger is best,because its very simple procedure to create a blog on blogger,you can do it,even in few minutes,and your blog is highly integrated with search engines,because blogger is a googles product,and the templates are also available.
Wordpress is older than blogspot,it have many attractive features,very huge help forum is also another feature of blogger,its basicaly provides you php site,but its respectively more technical than blogger,but seriously very intersting to work. You can chek examples of both. (blogspot) (example of wordpress blog)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Web Site Promotion Methods

When you design a site and start earning through the contents of the site,now its the time to optimize it in proper method,the initial and most important point is this,index your site in search engines manualy,and also index it on relevant forums and also on top high ranking directories,for this purpose you can use SEO tools and you can do the same manually,but monitor everything,because experiments are soul of your success,but each time you will have to analyze the change. It will also make your vision broad, i advice to all our site members,that join our network and become member of our team.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Traffic Monitoring is important or not?

If you are a site owner and your site have good visitors, is it enough for your success? The answer is "no",because if you dont know how a visitor came to your site,you cannot estimate your future visitors. So monitoring of traffic is very important and play vital rol in your site's success. The next question came in mind that how can i monitor the traffic flow,so dear no need to worry,google is always provide you assistance in sensitive matter,for this purpose you can utilize google's product, google analytics.
Just create account with google analytics and integrate your site with it,with some easy procedure,described by google analytics, and watch the attraction of your site visitors and where they came from,like from search engine,refferal site and direct trafic,very useful tool for those who want to increase their google earning.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Google Adsense Program

Google adsense is a very famous program of google adsense. Mostly people,who are getting income from internet. They must have knowledge of google adsense, the main reason of popularity of google adsense is that,its a product of google,and people rely on google,bcoz when u choice a site for earning program,like earning through pay per click program,on which the user will have to click on ads daily,and have to stay on the site for 30 seconds atleast,and 1 cent credit in their account,but when user complete his payout amount,they never pay him(not all sites),but most of pay per click work in same way,but google adsense users are quite satisfied,because all terms and conditions are self explanatory, and user can easily earn,if he or she have required skills, mostly only web site development and SEO(Search Engine Optimization) skills are required to some extent,and here i want to explain that anyone without web development skills,can get wep page,like u can create automated templates from blogger and wordpress,with just only utilize your mind,u can create site,without skills of web development,but seo is an ongoing process,because every time you feel need it,and with the help of SEO you can improve site traffic,the easy way to start any work,im giving you a very common tip,dont go for new idea to start,just grab the idea of anyone and start it and follow it. So the idea is very simple, Learn more and earn more

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Search Engine Optimization Means

If you are working on "Google Adsense" earning program and your monthly income is more than 200$, it meanz you must have sufficent knowledge of SEO(Search Engine Optimization).
When you create your site. It needs to b optimized. Because new site cannot index itself in search engine directries,because every search engine has its own terms and condition to index your site. And your site PR(Page Rank) is also an important issue, and to get reasonable traffic, your optimization work will b very focused. How much you are familier with search engines, that is search engine optimization